0-14 years old
13% (17907)
15-19 years old
34% (47831)
40-65 years old
40% (53716)
Over 65 years old
13% (18027)
From a total of about 135 thousand inhabitants, a quarter (26%) is formed by very young (0-14) or elder (over 65) people. The rest is formed by young or young retirees from the mining sector.
In general, the inhabitants think of the Valley as a region that is slowly shrinking, seeing the mines closed and the lack of opportunities. Most of them think that the cities around Jiu Valley (Haţeg, Deva, Sebeş) are places where they can find a place to work. Most of the youngsters see the major cities around (Cluj-Napoca, Timişoara, Sibiu or even Bucureşti) as a feasible alternative to continue their studies after they graduate highschool. Also, their parents think they could move after their children to live their elder days.
This perspective is countered by the enthuziast activity of some young people involved in urban regeneration projects. They establish their own NGOs or start-ups and find reasons to see the Valley as the perfect place to live, with and underestimated potential but rich in amenities. It is the case of Noi Orizonturi Foundation, Planeta Petrila Association or Jiul Petroşani football team fans.
The Jiu Valley is a place of major contrasts: between rural and urban communities, or between the socialist blocks neighborhoods and the old workers colonies in historic buildings and ensembles. People use to see their cities as suspended in time, between a past glory and a promise for a good future. This promise is maintained by the major investments in the area in the last years, in public infrastructure, education or the health system.